Friday, December 11, 2015

Viewing my Peers: Driver's Licenses

In this commentary I’m reviewing today is classmate Azure's  Right To Drive?  . From reading apart the first sentence, the audience is for the people of Oregon but also can inform with other states that have related issues. Such as Texas can relate. What I came to understanding is that Azure writes in oppose for immigrants to have licenses.

From the point of view of the immigrants they noted that from the article that it was a racial issue. Although Azure makes a true point that,  “[B]ut that’s not entirely fair since we have nothing to compare it to.”

Here are some more quotes to view on the illegal immigrants side:

“[I]llegal immigration isn’t a victim-less crime.”

“[T]hese people are here working hard and paying sales and property taxes”

“[T]hese people are trying to make a life for themselves...”

I think that having a driver licenses for illegal immigrants is the same thing as having a State I.D.. Even though it’s not a constitutional right to have a driver’s license it’s still a document with important information about the individual. Also, without a driver license it’s easy to assume that they don’t have life insurance. If they get into a car accident the victim would have to pay for the damages.

Simple solution: If an illegal immigrant needs a driver's license, they should have correct documentation of showing that they came over illegally. Not necessarily a resident, but came to the United States legally. Because if they came legally and they have a driver’s license from their own country that should be valid enough to renew their license to the country that they are visiting or living in.

So I agree with Azure on their point for illegal immigrants to not have drivers license. Although this may be most likely the minority answer since there are other states that do give illegal immigrants driver's license. 

 There was no source of the article but if you are wondering the issue of the topic is discussed by Robert Shaffer, of fox news, Illegal immigrants sue Oregon over ballot measure denying licenses.