Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Viewing my Peers

Today I’m reviewing an article by Iris Osornio, Why Should Hillary Clinton Win, I choose this article to read because I’d like to understand my peers point of view about the campaign for 2015. From first glance, I tried to give the benefit of a doubt. The intricate article wasn’t difficult to comprehend what Osornio wanted to write about, which was Hillary being a woman President would be a symbolic accomplishment to the U.S.. 

The first sentence is straight forward, “With the 2016 Presidential Elections coming up Hillary Clinton has decided to run for president and so has Donald Trump,” although I do wonder why Trump was mention when he isn’t mentioned that much in this editorial. Clinton has more competition with her other Democratic candidates that are male than just Trump.

Although, the rest of the article does fall short unfortunately, the poor use of excess of facts don’t need to be included, which doesn't help to convince me why I should vote Hillary. This doesn’t support as evidence on why Hillary Clinton should be president, “ Many other countries in their time of existing have had many woman for rulers whether its as a queen or a prime minister Norway , Britain, Lithuania ect. have all been rules by females.”

It is very clear that she is supportive of Clinton, because she doesn’t acknowledge the other Republican candidate, Carly Fiorina, who is also a women. “Are we really against women leading our country?”

In all honestly, for the rest of the article, I don’t need to comment on, sounds like an informative essay, and the editor did not provide a source of an article to support evidence. 

There could have been more potential to the article if there was a provided source and more facts that relate to Hillary’s campaign on her opinions now. Instead of comments that are implied for Hillary but could be easily replaced with someone else's name. I wonder if the Editor watched the Democratic Debate. I, myself, wrote an article about it that involved Hillary. 

At least the positive outcome is that my peers are trying to understand politics, so you can't deny that this could be part of a small step.

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